This course equips trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to advance the science and quality of health care in low-resourced settings through systematic, empirical and critical investigation. 

The course competencies are based on the scientific method, specifically the identification of a problem, the formation of a hypothesis, data collection and analysis plan, and dissemination of results. 

"Identifying a Research Question" is the first step in research methodology. This section introduces learners to developing a research question.

"Conducting Background Research" is the second step in research methodology. This section reviews resources for finding medical literature and how to cite those sources to avoid plagiarism.

"Forming a Hypothesis" is the third step in research methodology. This section discusses variables, scales of measurement, strategies, and other key elements needed to form a hypothesis.

"Designing a Research Study" is the fourth step in research methodology. This section covers study designs, including quantitative designs, qualitative designs, and mixed methods designs for research.

"Collecting Data" is the fifth step in research methodology. This section introduces basic sampling methods, developing data collection tools, best practices in creating survey questions, and ethics in collecting data. 

"Analyzing Data" is the sixth step in research methodology. This section covers basic data analysis and statistical measures. It introduces learners to analyzing data to discover trends and draw conclusions. Additionally, this section includes an overview of statistical software, statistical terminology, and statistical tests such as T-tests, ANOVA, and tests of correlation.

"Disseminating Results" is the seventh step in research methodology. This section provides learners with strategies to effectively share their research through oral presentations and written work.